Recent Stories
Do you even Data Retention?
The new data retention laws have caused some confusion of late, particularly among those that voted for them in Parliament. "We're not really sure what this does or doesn't do," said one Liberal party backbencher. "But if George says it's okay then that's good enough...
Direct Action is here
Direct Action legislation has been passed in Parliament and according to government sources will now start to reign in Australia's greenhouse gas emissions. Environment Minister Greg Hunt is said to be quite pleased with the new legislation. One insider told The...
Work for the Dole to fly strike operations in Iraq
The Ministry for Employment and Workplace Relations announced today that it was in talks with the Defence Ministry to implement a "Work for the Dole" program. Anyone under the age of 30 that is currently unemployed will be sent to Iraq as part of a raft of new...
Goverment announces Officeworks gift vouchers to help ISPs with data retention
The Attorney General for Australia, Senator George Brandis today announced Government financial support for data retention by ISPs. The government will be supplying each ISP with an Officeworks gift voucher to cover the costs arising from data retention. In a press...